Midnight & Cotton9491

Midnight & Cotton

The best boys!

Meet Midnight and Cotton – two glorious looking brothers.

Midnight is the black rabbit with small bites of white on his coat, and Cotton is the beige bunny! These pair were out on foster care for quite a while; it was due to a mass growing on Midnight’s neck.

Luckily after lots of care – Midnight’s mass is now small, and only getting smaller!

These guys are such perfect buns – and so sweet.

Cotton would be the boss of the two, while Midnight would be a lot more laid back.

They love head rubs and getting tons of attention from the staff.

What they love even more is food.

They go crazy when they her a bag rustle, which sends them into a frenzy of zoomies!

While they were being fostered – the fosterer talked about how they loved being indoors, and lounging on the sofa! They were very well behaved bunnies – only toileting in their hay tray and not nibbling on the furniture! We would like these two to go home as house bunnies, as it seems that they enjoy the indoors a lot more than they do the outdoors.

Of course, they still enjoy some outdoor garden time during the day, too!

If you’d be interested in these boys, please fill out an online form down below!.

Apply now to adopt Midnight & Cotton

Questions.. Questions.. We know there’s a fair few.  But, the more information we can gather from you now, the quicker we can match you to this pet or another one.  A few minutes of your time now will also allow us to spend more time with the animals when you come to the sanctuary.

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