

They say to be careful when naming your animals Lucky, you don’t want to jinx it after all!
Unfortunately, for this Lucky, he is having no luck at all! He’s now in his older years where is even more important for him to be getting the love and care he deserves and yet after his owner has passed away, he’s now with us and has not had an application thus far.

Lucky is a boy who knows what he wants and when he wants it.

And he is certainly not shy in telling you that, so as long as you don’t mind having a rather chatty conversation and playing door service as he has a love of the outdoors you may be the lucky one in getting a chance to share your home with him.

He is a very affectionate boy who loves someone to sit with him and is awfully kind, offering head bumps to all those in need.

He knows his worth and does tend to like the more expensive cat foods but says he doesn’t even mind saving them for his Christmas dinner.

He does ask to be the only pet in the house and tends to not be a huge fan of younger children asking for 15+, and of course someone who doesn’t mind letting him outside for a wee sunbath and stretch of the legs (he doesn’t want to start slowing down with old age).

Apply now to adopt Lucky

Questions.. Questions.. We know there’s a fair few.  But, the more information we can gather from you now, the quicker we can match you to this pet or another one.  A few minutes of your time now will also allow us to spend more time with the animals when you come to the sanctuary.

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Your generous contributions make a huge difference to the animals we care for and also helps us to continue our work & success.