

Sofia is a beautiful girl with style, elegance and class.

Everything she does is graceful and pretty.

Like most good and pretty girls, she loves playing with the feather wands and eating snacks.

If staff don’t feed her quickly enough in the morning, she paws at their hands to try and make them hurry up and feed her!

When Sofia first arrived at Assisi, something didn’t seem quite right about her.

She was a little grumpy, and just didn’t seem to be her best self.

After a visit to the vet, she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and is now on pain medication to help her with this.

Now that she is feeling better, we are seeing what a fantastic cat Sofia is.

Sofia is still learning to enjoy human affection – because she was in pain before, she still needs to learn that human touch isn’t going to hurt anymore, and she can be a little unhappy with people stroking the whole way down her back.

She loves head tickles and if you are a very good and patient human, she may even gift you with a little kiss!

Sofia would be a wonderful companion for adults willing to give her time and space to settle in.

Once she settles, we think she will be even more playful than she is now! She would need access outdoors once settled as well, because she loves to travel and explore.

Hobbies include: demanding snacks, chasing feather wands, being graceful, and demanding even more snacks.

Apply now to adopt Sofia

Questions.. Questions.. We know there’s a fair few.  But, the more information we can gather from you now, the quicker we can match you to this pet or another one.  A few minutes of your time now will also allow us to spend more time with the animals when you come to the sanctuary.

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